+44 3455007136

Welcome to Probe Publisher

Probe Publisher is an independent, academic, open access, peer reviewed publisher formed to serve the world wide authors with low processing charges. Journals published by us are fully open access: research articles, reviews or any other high quality content on this platform is available to everyone free of charge. Average time from submission to first decision is 7-10 days and from acceptance to In Press online publication is 10-15 days.

About Us

Probe Publisher is an independent, academic, open access, peer reviewed publisher formed to serve the world wide authors with low processing charges. Journals published by us are fully open access: research articles, reviews or any other high quality content on this platform is available to everyone free of charge. Average time from submission to first decision is 7-10 days and from acceptance to In Press online publication is 10-15 days.

Publishing Policies and Ethics

Peer review and editorial review are the primary processes for ensuring the scientific quality of published articles. To this purpose, the articles are extensively peer-reviewed to guarantee that only the best entries are accepted, and the Editor(s)-in-Chief or section editors control the quality. Peer reviewers and editorial board members are all subject matter experts from diverse nations and areas of the world. The research findings in the published publications are current, with trustworthy findings and an unbiased explanation of the findings.

The copy editing, layout, proofreading, online publication, and printing publication are all kept to the highest standards during the production phase.

Our mission is to to increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage and impact of quality, peer-reviewed, open access scholarly research journals globally, regardless of discipline, geography or language. Formed to serve the eminent authors and to get world wide audience with the help of authors publications.

List of Journals

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Mission & Visibility

Our Services

All articles will undergo preliminary analysis, followed by peer review process,accepted articles will be sent for preparing galley proof, full text etc. Author corrections will also be done. Abstracts and full texts (HTML, XML and PDF format) of all articles published can be accessed freely, immediately after its publication.

Author contributions

The authors are individuals who have contributed significantly and materially to the text, including the conception, design, execution, and interpretation of the findings that are published, as well as the drafting and revision of the article.

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Peer-review process

The two main processes for verifying the calibre of published publications are peer review and editorial scrutiny. To achieve this, the submitted articles undergo thorough peer review to ensure that only those of the highest calibre are accepted and published.

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Editor-in-Chief Decision

The Editor-in-Chief will receive the comments from the peer reviewers and determine whether to accept the submission with or without revisions. The editing choice is sent to the corresponding or submitting author.

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